Not sure what is happening to blogger, but it appears my gym blog is not viewable any longer.
Well, not much has really happened. No interesting characters, no good gym stories to share.
I've manage to go an average of twice a week for the last year. I've also gained close to 20lbs. sigh.
Now I am on week two of really giving an effort. I finally ventured back on the elliptical after spending the last few months walking on the treadmill. I did pretty good, and plan to walk home today from the water taxi dock.
Maddies wedding is in two weeks. I might be able to drop 5 lbs by then if I can keep on it. Then this summer is my 30th High School reunion. I'm using that as a goal, even though I don't know if I will even go! The formal dinner is kinda expensive. Friday bar night is far away and I don't have much of a family to take to the picnic! We will see.
so now, I will just use one blog, but use the headline to categorize what the post is about.