Last year, Kelsey says, let's go do that hike out to the ocean and camp out again like we did many years ago. I said, sure, but this time lets go to Cape Alava, not Shi Shi.
We began to prepare our equipment and take practice hikes. We planned a date, but then we had a conflict, we were unable to make it happen that summer
The next year, Kelsey still wants to do it and we have the equipment . We started up our practice hikes again. We hiked up off Newberry Hill rd by Klahowya school. Very pretty area, we will have to check it out more.
We finally headed out on our trip to Cape Alava. We left bright and early on a Saturday. We arrived at the Port Angeles ranger station and got our bear proof food canister .
It was a beautiful day. We hiked out to the ocean and found a nice camping spot. Once we had the tent up, we hit the beach! We walked to the North to see the little islet that is very close. We saw lots of sea lions sunning themselves and barking a lot.
The only issue we had on the hike besides sore shoulders, was my beer on ice was leaking. I had to fix it but some of my clothes got wet. Thankfully it was a hot day, so i dried them on a log.
Dinner was Field Roast Franks. Delicious! We had a lot of snacks too.
After dinner we were gazing out at the sea, when Kelsey points behind me. A deer and her baby were sneaking through the camp site behind us while we were distracted by the ocean!
The sunset was great, we had a nice fire and tried to stay up until it got dark enough to see the stars!
I was able to sleep well, mostly because I had not slept much lately . I was very tired from the hike, so I fell asleep quickly.
The next morning we had tea, instant coffee ,and breakfast. I brought 6 eggs already whipped and ready to go. I didn't bring enough ice, but the eggs were still good.
After a relaxing morning we broke camp and made our way home. The trail seems much shorter on the way out. We barely saw anyone. We ran into the deer and her baby again . I stopped to tell a hiker to watch for it. He didn't speak English, he heard bear, not deer. Thankfully someone in his group spoke some English or he may not have made it to the Cape!
At the trail head, I watched a family of otters swimming around. I couldn't get a good picture and they were gone by the time Kelsey showed up.
And we headed home. Another great trip in the books.