I finally snapped. One day, the apartment filled with paint fumes from the neighborhood auto body shop, I said enough is enough. I looked at Craigslist and found a place right next to Lincoln Park! We looked at it. It seemed good, except it faces East. Behind us, is an older two story apartment in between two brand new 4stort units. I told B that I bet they will tear down that place behind us. That would make this place unlivable for us. We drove around the block to the old place. No sign of construction or planning. A guy walked by with a dog. I asked him about it. He told us everything we wanted to know. The place was just sold. New owner is remodeling.
We called and told the owner we will take the apartment!
I won’t miss much about the old place on the corner of 38th and Oregon. But so much happened in the short 16 months we lived there. My car was stolen. Recovered. I got cancer. I beat cancer. We went to Vegas to get married. We went to China. I quit my job. I got a new job.
I’m sooooo happy in the new place. We love the park!