Saturday, February 9, 2008

Washington State Democratic Caucus - Feb 9, 08

I just got back from my first Caucus. It was an interesting experience.

When I found out that the mail in primary vote was basically worthless, that the delegate votes for the democratic nominee come from the caucus vote, i decided to go cast a vote that counts.

I have been so excited by the Obama movement. Every day there are Obama volunteers out on the streets. I over hear people on the ferry, or in the grocery store talking about Obama. Then, on Friday, Obama came to Seattle and was greeted by 21,000 supporters. It is such an exciting time in America. People are ready for change.

So, on to the Caucus.

I walked to my caucus location. Its about a mile, but with a record turnout predicted, I thought I would end up walking most the way anyways.

Cars were lined up on Grow Ave. A few people stopped to ask me where the caucus was. I guess I looked like I knew what I was doing.

The caucus was held in the lower gym, between Commodore and the High School. I entered the gym right at 1:pm. There were Clinton supporters and Obama supporters just inside the door, ready to hand you the sticker of your choice.

Then they ask you if you know your precinct number, which I didn't, so they pointed me the map. I located my district and the looked my group.

Once I found my group, I waited in line to sign the sheet to select my candidate. There were many people sitting around in a big circle around the table. After people signed the sheet, they went and sat down. I saw some neighbors from my complex, so I went and made small talk for a while.

I finally got bored, so I went outside for a walk. I came back at 1:25 and heard an announcement that things will begin in 5 minutes.

Five minutes later, a speaker came on and started explaining what was to happen next, and then we said the pledge of allegiance.

I believe there were 6 total precincts in the gym, and someone in charge from each group began to speak to their individual groups. this is where it got tough, there was so much commotion. My group was probably the biggest and there were no chairs left. I stood in the back with many people and tried to hear what was going on.

They explained that they were now going to count my precincts group. The count was read, 13 undecided, 56 for Clinton and 195 for Obama. A loud cheer erupted. The same loud cheer was repeated at all five groups as their results were read. From what I could tell, it was pretty much an Obama majority.

Then people were given a chance to address their precinct about why they support who ever they support. About 10 people spoke, most unheard my the majority. Finally around 2 pm, apparently it has to go on till 2pm by law, a woman who knows something opened a motion to stop the comment period. At that time, anyone can change their vote, and the undecided can choose a candidate. It didn't appear that anyone changed their vote, and I heard one undecided select Obama. I never heard a final tally.

This is the part that got confusing. We split in groups, Obama, Clinton. Then we had to choose delegates from our group to apparently cast the delegate vote? I dunno what was going on. Too many people wanted to be delegates, so we had to vote for our delegates. I did nothing. I don't know any of those people and they are supposed to cast the vote based on the outcome of our group so I didn't see much point in staying. I saw many people leaving at this time.

I did stay just a bit longer. there was a letter to Jay Inslee being passed around to sign. The letter implored Inslee to cast his "super delegate" vote for the people his constituents support. Inslee is a clinton supporter, so I hope he listens to the letter.

All in all it was an interesting process. Next time I will probably just sign the sheet and leave though.

1 comment:

Kyle Chittick said...

nice job Craig. I can't stand the silly WA setup with the primary that doesn't even matter wasting my tax payer dollars. Thanks for the detailed report and the video! Hi-tech man...