Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A New Year

08 is here. 07 was good year, so hopefully 08 will continue to be good.

B and I are planning a trip in February. Somewhere warm! Hawaii perhaps?

We did nothing on New years Eve as usual. We did take a walk down Winslow way at 11 pm. It was very eerie. Not a single car on the road or parked in Winslow. I don't think I have ever seen it so quiet.. needless to say, everything was closed, so we went back home and prepared the champagne.

On New Years day, I stepped outside and noticed the weather was nice. No rain, it was warmer that at had been all last week. I thought this would be the perfect day for a hike. What a way to start the new year. Read about the hike on my hiking blog.

Happy New Year!!!!!