Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Fifth Saturday Statewide emergency Drill 3-30-13

I volunteered to work with my Red Cross chapter to participate in the state emergency drill.  We met at the Shoreline RC storage unit and extracted the radio kits. We then went to the Shoreline Fire Department and set up the antena and radio, made contact with Red Cross base and broadcasted a series of simulated requests. 

It was an interesting experience.  We had no real idea what was going on, we were pretty removed. After it was over we heard what the drill was. It was a simulated Meteor strike, hitting 1-5 at 85th Street. 

After we signed off and broke down the equipment, the Red Cross staffers came by and said hi. Bruce Swee and dang, can't remember, Gayle something?  Then the Shoreline radio team came over and gave us a tour of their communications van.  Every single type of radio made! It was impressive, but it must take some practice to monitor so many different frequencies.

Jim, one of our team members in the exercise, deployed to Sandy.  He told us some great stories.  One day they took the ERV to Coney Island to deliver hot meals. He told me many seniors were stuck in upper level apartments, unable to use the stairs and that the other residents would bring supplies. Imagine one day you live in a big tower, maybe saying hi to people in elevators, the next day, you are caring for seniors in your own building, working as a team with people you never really knew. 

On this particular day on Coney Island, they opened the back to find an entire truck of Pork meals. It was a Jewish neighborhood. They apologized, and took it to a different neighborhood! oops.

Another story he shared, he met a homeless  man who lived by the warehouse, the man had a low income place, but it flooded and he was on the street. He said he got his revenge on Sandy though, a container washed up on the beach, he and his buddies broke it open... HEINEKEN! A whole container of it!  They partied for days!  Of all the containers to wash up... ha!

My Honda got to play too! We installed the antennae on the roof.

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