Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

This year we broke tradition. The Petersons celebrated at Cristas house and the Mustells at Mikes. The split falls mostly along which side of the Puget Sound you live, with myself being the exception.

I was disappointed at first, but as important as Tradition is to me, spending Thanksgiving with my Mother is more important.

I wanted to go to the storage unit so I decided to leave my house, drive around through Tacoma, load up at the Storage unit, then pick up the girls around 1.

I left at 9:45. Traffic was very light despite heavy fog in most areas. I made record time, so I dropped by and visited Mark M before getting the girls.

Met the girls before 1 and we were off to Cristas. I brought the Christmas cards and pens out and asked the girls to sign them.  What?  Today? was their reply.  Considering I won't see Jessica again till probably Christmas, it's our only chance.  She agreed and the kids got the cards signed.  We talked about adding a family letter this year as well.

We arrived at Cristas and brought with us Konners birthday present. The girls gave it to him right away. It is a Spiderman Dart board with a launcher that shoots plastic balls with velcro.   Big hit.  It's just spring loaded so it is not dangerous.

Maddie introduced us to her new bf Mitch.  Everyone was there from this side of the water.  Mathew got everyone drinks. I had too much soda.

Dinner was good. Jay made the Turkey.  Maddie and Mitch  brought green bean casserole and cornbread pudding. The second dish was Mitchs recipe.  I don't think anyone of us had ever tried it. He explained that it was made of canned corn, cream of corn, sour cream, butter and corn bread mix.   Bronwen said she has seen it baked before. Id like to try that.  Bronwen was at work today.

Mashed potatoes, green beans corn bread pudding, dinner roll and Waldorf Salad which was a tasty surprise dish! 

We were stuffed. We did not even stay for pie. It was past 4, and the kids had another dinner to get to! We said our goodbyes and hit the road.  It was a nice Holiday.

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