Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Breakfast with Kelsey and Pirates landing!

June 27th

Kelsey and I met for Breakfast, since we did not get to meet up for Fathers day.  We stopped at Rite Aid and picked out a small notebook to start our trip journal, then on to Elmers for some breakfast

Over breakfast we discussed our dining option and went over the trip details.

After breakfast we wandered around the Poulsbo farmers market.  We didn't see anything we wanted today.

We stopped at the Day road farm and  found we missed the last  of the strawberries by an hour.  We went by two hours ago on the way to breakfast.. darn.  But, we did buy two cups of Raspberries.  yum!

Kelsey gave me  a beautiful hand made Fathers day card with an original poem!  Best ever! 

I dropped Kelsey off and went home to see Pirates land!

This year, they changed the festival.  First off, no signage or promotion whatsoever.  I did not know until Saturday AM that they were not landing until afternoon this year and that afternoon I found out there were four bands! 

B and I walked down around 1 pm.   The park West of the Bath house, the breakwater part, was full of vendor craft booths! This is new.  B found a birthday present for Kevin.

We saw a band play.  They were playing original songs, so that was entertaining.  We walked around and then finally saw the Pirate ship.   But alas, what is this?  ANOTHER Pirate ship awaited their arrival and a sea battle ensued!  Again, this is new and we had no idea!   The two ships circled each other for 10 min or so,  shooting their cannons at each other.

Finally the Seafair Pirate ship broke loose and began to make their way towards shore. There were NO cops boats or Coast guard boats to help and the later start time led to many more boats anchored off shore.  It took some time for the pirates to find a path to land.

After they arrrived, we headed out.

We came back down an hour later to watch the band we thought was best.   But, they didn't come on.  I guess their schedule was not accurate.  We watched the rockabilly band instead from the beach.   No beer garden this year, so we brought our own!

This festival was so much bettter, yet due to lack of promotion and media coverage, no one knows what went on, besides the thousands who saw it with their own eyes.

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