Thursday, April 16, 2015

48th birthday

I realized that I do not recall what I did last year for my birthday!  doh!

This year was a bit rushed since we were in Silverdale all weekend for Maddies wedding.

I went in to work as usual, had a meeting at 10.  The meeting got rescheduled for 11:30.  Half way through the meeting I saw a facebook post from Falafel Salam that their product was going fast!   I worried if I would get there in time for my birthday Falafel.   The meeting ended and I ran to my favorite food truck.  I made it!  I had my Falafel!  It was spectacular!

That evening, I had proposed going to Blue Moon burger for a blackbean burger.  But after eating the Falafel for lunch, I didn't really want a burger.   So, we skipped that part and went to El Chubacabra.

Mike was there, we had a fun time talking to Mike more than we ever have.    As it was time to leave, I asked Andrew for a birthday shot of Tequila.  He delivered!  It was a nice tequila.

We went home and ordered a pizza from Olympic Pizza since they were so kind as to send us a menu in the mail.   The pizza was ok.  Not great but it worked.

So that was my birthday.  I attempted to play Civ V but I lost a crucial member to barbarians so I just shut it off.

Bronwen got me a card from the WAC.  She really wanted to take me out to dinner, but I didnt want that.  I just wanted to stay local.

In the next week or so, we will go over to Grandma's for breakfast to celebrate my and moms birthday.

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